How to avoid Heat Stroke on Texas lakes

Health & Safety Tips

Jun 17, 2016


Sumer’s back! It’s time for vacations, cookouts and lazy afternoons at the lake under the hot Texas sun.

Heat StrokeOf course, all that Texas heat brings a certain element of danger. Days or weeks of 100-plus degree temperatures are not uncommon down here and are often accompanied by humidity that makes it feel even hotter. Heat stroke becomes a real concern during long days out in the sun.

Heat stroke occurs when your body temperature becomes dangerously high. Your body’s systems begin to shut down and disorientation, unconsciousness, seizures or even can death occur.

There’s plenty of fun to have at the lake, but to keep it safe, let’s go over a few tips on how to avoid heat stroke on Texas lakes.

Drink water!

This is the mother of all hot-weather tips. Staying hydrated is the single most important step in staying safe in the sun. Carry a water bottle with you and drink often. If you feel thirsty, it’s because you are already becoming dehydrated. To avoid heat stroke on Texas lakes, you must be proactive against dehydration.

Avoid alcohol

A cold beer may seem like a nice idea on a hot day, but alcohol will not keep you hydrated. It actually removes water from your body.

Ordinarily we sweat in the heat, which works to cool us off. But if you become dehydrated, you no longer have the moisture to produce sweat and heat becomes trapped in your body. Your temperature can quickly approach dangerous levels.

Avoid the hottest part of the day

Before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. are the coolest times to enjoy the lake, when the risk from heat stroke is lowest.

If you think you or someone you’re with may be showing signs of heat stroke, get out of the sun and into air conditioning if possible. Heat stroke is serious and life threatening, so head to your nearest Complete Care location.