Spring Outdoor Safety Tips

Health & Safety Tips

Mar 27, 2023


Spring has sprung, which means it’s time to break out the gardening tools, plant some springtime flowers, and hope that springtime showers keep your lawn looking healthy. However, if your spring cleaning routine involves labor-intensive yard work, you could end up in the emergency room if you’re not careful.

These spring outdoor safety tips can help you to avoid common yard work injuries that we see in our emergency rooms often around this time of year. The good news is, these injuries can all be easily prevented. 

Tip #1: Wear protective gear

When it comes to yard work, it’s crucial to dress properly for the occasion. Wearing protective gear such as closed-toe shoes, goggles or protective glasses, hearing protection, and a face mask when necessary can shield you from any unwanted elements. 

Should you wear a mask when gardening? If you suffer from spring allergies, wearing a mask can protect your face from allergens such as pollen and any harmful chemicals such as pesticides in certain fertilizers.

Choosing to wear gloves is crucial for protecting your arms and hands from lacerations or scrapes and cuts, especially if you’re handling sharp objects like garden shears. 

Tip #2: Apply sunscreen and insect repellent

Sunscreen and insect repellent should also be a part of your protective gear routine. Be sure to do this step at least 15-20 minutes before going outside to reap the benefits of each protective product. 

Why you should apply sunscreen before going outside

Sunscreen will protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun and can help prevent heat stroke or sun sickness. If you or a loved one notice any heat stroke warning signs such as hot or red skin, nausea and vomiting, a fast pulse, or a throbbing headache, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The importance of insect repellent

Here in Texas, we are no strangers to bugs or critters in the springtime. We know that working outside in Texas is much safer after applying insect repellent, which can help to prevent bug bites that can be harmful to you, especially from mosquitoes, ticks, and spiders. Some bug bites can put you at risk for harmful diseases such as malaria, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

It’s also a smart idea to check for insects such as spiders or even more dangerous critters like snakes before picking up any equipment or working on any gardening tasks!

Tip #3: Inspect any equipment before you use it

We’re sure that you’re ready to crank up the lawnmower as soon as possible, but taking the time to inspect any piece of equipment you intend to use can help to prevent any injuries. 

For example, common lawnmower injuries include:

  • Shock hazards from damaged electrical cords
  • Deep cuts from blades
  • Burns that could occur from the exhaust or from a hot engine
  • Broken bones or fractures can occur if you lose control of the lawnmower or it rolls over your foot (Continue reading: What to do when you break a bone)
  • Eye injuries from loose debris in the yard

Not all equipment-related injuries can be prevented just by checking your equipment, but doing so will make you that much safer while working out in the yard.

Tip #4: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Much like sunscreen, drinking a substantial amount of water is the best way to prevent your body from overheating while spending numerous hours under the sun. Try to avoid over-caffeinated beverages like coffee or energy drinks to avoid “the caffeine shakes” while you work. The same can be said for sugary drinks like soda which can cause your body to experience a sugar crash and grow fatigued while you handle dangerous tools. To be safe, just stick to water.

Even if it is not too hot outside, be sure to drink plenty of water before you start any yard work and keep hydrating yourself throughout the day. Take breaks in between each task so that you don’t risk excessive sun exposure.

Experiencing any common yard work injuries? Complete Care can help!

Our spring outdoor safety tips are meant to help you avoid any unwanted injuries. But if you find yourself in a situation where you need medical attention, Complete Care’s medical staff is here to help you through any emergency. Our ERs have low wait times and hospital-grade equipment so that you can get the quality care you need fast.

We have ER locations across Texas and Colorado Springs that are open and here to help you 24/7 for whatever spring throws your way.

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